
To Those Opposed to Kwanzaa

  • July 24, 2020

To Those Opposed to Kwanzaa, Which of the Nguzo Saba (Seven Principals) do you object to? What about the ritualization of a people’s collective goals and objectives do you find offensive? Don’t talk to me about Ron Karenga. My sisters hung out with “Ron” back in the days he drove that old brown van. That […]


Video: When white supremacists overthrew a government VOX

  • October 25, 2019

The hidden history of an American coup. Correction at 7:23: Cynthia’s ancestors lived in Wilmington, not her descendants. In November 1898, in Wilmington, North Carolina, a mob of 2,000 white men expelled black and white political leaders, destroyed the property of the city’s black residents, and killed dozens–if not hundreds–of people. How did such a […]

Featured Rhythm & Prose

The Book of Martha – by Octavia E. Butler

  • March 26, 2019

In fact, seated as he was on his huge thronelike chair, he looked, she thought, like a living version of Michelangelo’s Moses, a sculpture that she remembered seeing pictured in her college art-history textbook about twenty years before. Only the pathway was a ribbon of pale light—starlight and moonlight. There was a full moon, brilliant, […]

Society & Culture

Cannabis and Harry Anslinger

  • February 12, 2019

Across the country, voters are pushing to decriminalize cannabis. Some cite overcrowded prisons as their reason. Others want less government regulation of leisure time. There is also a huge movement of Americans who want the plant to be treated like a medicine. Still, despite a plethora of studies finding that marijuana is not addictive, does […]